April is a happy-go-lucky lady with a very positive outlook on life. Given that she has raised 5 kids on her own, not a lot can keep her down. She tragically lost her husband back in 2004 to a car accident and was left with just her and her children. In 2007 she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis otherwise known as MS. A disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of the nerves. This can cause her to have a hard time walking, and difficulty with memory and other motor functions. Not exactly the most fun issue to have to deal with. On top of having to visit at least 8 different doctors multiple times a week. Sometimes having to make up to 6 trips in a single week

All the way to Eugene…. and back

Needless to say, April’s life is a bit hectic. To make matters worse April’s service dog Alphonse was diagnosed with a perianal mass. A condition that requires surgery to avoid further damage. Living on social security that kind of surgery can be heartbreakingly expensive. A move that could be absolutely devastating for someone who is struggling to pay rent during these times.

Well, we are proud to announce, that thanks to the help of Brooke Communications and Rogue Credit Union, Alphonse’s surgery was completely covered! We love our pets like family here, and we understand how important they are in our lives. DC Farmers Co-Op is going to be donating a generous gift card to help pay April’s gas expenses for her trips back and forth to Eugene. She will also be receiving gift cards for both Sherm’s Thunderbird Market and Fred Meyer’s to help keep her family’s bellies full and her house stocked with supplies and gifts for this holiday season.

We hope that April and her children can have a happy and joyful holiday this year full of amazing memories to share.


Tags: Wish Upon A Star 2021

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